A couple of days ago, a well known ministry leader in our community payed a short visit to Advance. We began discussing the Hope IV housing program. My wife, daughter, and I live in University Place, which is one of these "rebuilds." It sits where Lamar Terrace used to be. He told me that after a couple years, these properties revert from private management to MHA management. Despite my degree in Economic Community Development, my residence at University Place, and working in the "inner-city," I didn't know this. I felt embarrassed and frustrated with myself because I couldn't "perform" or say the right thing in front of someone I considered to be important and influential.
The next day, as I started Financial Freedom, I asked a class member to pray. He also wanted to share a piece of scripture. I reluctantly conceded; you must understand, I had a lot of material to cover and not much time. He proceeded to read, not a verse, but an entire Psalm. My frustration grew. For him reading was a laborious process.
I began to notice that he was gradually inching toward me. Then this 50 year old man did the unthinkable. He began to point to the words he didn't know and asked me to whisper them so he could continue reading. A 50 year-old man, humbly reading the Word of the LORD by allowing a 23 year-old kid to help him.