Marcus Stone wrote down his thoughts to share at his Jobs for Life graduation last Friday. Above, he's pictured at left being congratulated by his classmates after giving a moving account of his experiences at Advance.
Marcus agreed to let us share his speech here.
"I would like to thank the Lord first for guiding me to Advance Memphis because I think this was a great experience for me. This really helped me make a change because it put me around positive people and helped me mentally. It helped keep me on the right track spiritually. I learned that the decision I make now will affect my future, either positively or negatively. I want to make good decisions now so that I can have a good future for myself and especially for my daughter, Mariyah.
I do understand that I am on the right track now, and that it would be easy to veer off at any time. But I have also learned to put the Lord first and to guide me in the right direction to stay on my positive track. I understand that I have a sinful nature and that I have sinful ways, but I pray that the Lord would help keep me on the right path.
I have learned a whole lot of stuff. I have learned a lot of spiritual things. Before I came to Advance Memphis I was veering away from the Lord. I always knew that I wanted a relationship with the Lord but I always kept straying away from him, but I have learned that this is because of my sinful nature. I have learned that God has always been faithful to me even when I was not faithful to him. He forgives me and calls me back to a good life with him because his mercies are new every morning.
I have learned not to stop with my high school diploma, but to add even more education. I know that even though I have roadblocks and my background may limit me, I have learned to keep going. I want to encourage my classmates to do the same. God’s Word says that he has a good plan for our lives. I don’t want us to forfeit that plan, so let’s accept his grace on our lives and work hard to accomplish our goals for our futures.
I’d like to thank Andrew who is not here at this time, the Advance Memphis staff, Danielle, and my classmates for being positive, encouraging people around me."
Marcus Stone
Jobs for Life graduate