Monday, January 30, 2012

Counting Blessings

Our cup overflows this week and we want to share the blessings with you and glorify God for encouraging us. Take a minute to read some of the great things that are going on in the Kingdom.

  • One Jobs for Life alum just donated $100 to Advance.
  • Another alum is volunteering regular shifts at the front desk so that Cindy can complete focused tasks away from the busy-ness of the lobby.
  • Our Champions (mentors) had their first meetings with students this week; they'll be with these students for 6-12 weeks. Several Champions told us how God blessed the time and how they look forward to learning and growing during the meetings--as much or more than their students! Students were excited, too. Gwendolyn commented on her connection with her Champion, "Our stories are the same. We're both mothers of daughters. We're the same." We praise God for connections like this.
  • Ced Harris was promoted to machine operator at KTG, where he is a permanent employee.
  • GED Instructor Mike Shaw's grandparents came and served at Advance this week. Mr. Shaw spent the entire day correcting printer networking issues while Mrs. Shaw used her considerable talents to teach the GED class. We were all blessed to have them with us, and praise God for the gift of family.
  • One current student is loving classmates by bringing apples in the morning to share. Many of our class members arrive hungry, so this small thoughtfulness is a big deal.
  • A teacher from neighborhood high school BTW attended our Overcoming through Christ (addiction recovery) program this week. She has 22 years sobriety and was a tremendous encouragement to our students and alumni. We thank God for this gift of community.